What is Development Economics

Development Economics: 

Poverty, Inequality, Unemployment and Human Resources:

4.1 Concept of poverty, Inequality, Unemployment:

Poverty and inequality has become the major obstacle in development in the present world.  It is economic as well as social issue to all countries. It has creates various problems in both developed and undeveloped countries. Through poverty and inequality are common in the world, there is variation in definition and causes of poverty and inequality. Its impact is increasing at the national and international level. So develop countries have also begun to pay attention towards reducing the poverty and inequality of underdeveloped countries. But in fact, discussions are ongoing even today on the issues of what property is, how deep it can root in and so what extent it can spread over. Moreover, diverse views can be found regarding the poverty and inequality. In this context following topics are related to explain about the various aspects of poverty.

4.1.1 Meaning of poverty:

Nepal has remained as poor country in the world.  The mass level of Nepalese population is still living below the property line where as very few are in affluent situation. Poverty and inequality is clearly seen in economic, social,culture and other aspects of the nation. Because of various efforts, Nepal has got successes to alleviate property and inequality to some extent but the situation of poverty in Nepal is still alarming. It hurts the economy in different way.

David Morris has presented view has presented view on poverty giving importance to physical quality of life. He has included average age, infant death rate and literacy quality of life. He has included average age, infant death rate and literacy rate as the indicators of poverty. Similarly, miller and rein have expressed their views that poverty should not be explained only linking it with economic activity and income. They have given emphasis on including different aspects of social welfare such as political, legal and educational importance in poverty analysis. They mention that along with lack of physical things, condition of human rights deprivation should also be taken as a sign of poverty.

Dandekar, Rath and madalgi have considered nutrition situation and its availability as basic for analyzing poverty. B.S Minhas has opined that those persons or families who cannot manage to have their basic/ minimum annual expense depends on country, region, price, level etc. P.D Ojha has said that those persons or families who cannot manage to have there is difference in the necessary of per capita food grains per day between rural and urban people. M. Lipton has supposed the share of expenses on foodstuff as indicator of poverty. He says the persons or families, who spend 70% or more on food in total expenditure, are called poor. Robert Chamber has expressed his view on poverty regarding it as multidimensional as well as complicated problem. He says poverty cannot be explained on the basis of any single indication only. It needs identification of different aspects and analysis to determine the poverty in different aspects such as inadequate supplies of physical need, social inferiority, physical weakness, risk, seasonal adversity, powerlessness and compulsion of living.

 On the basis of the analysis and views expressed by different economists and expert, poverty can be divided in to two types such as absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute poverty is the situation in which even basis needs cannot be fulfilled. Relative poverty is the situation in which there exists inequality in income or poverty in income or poverty distribution. Row tree has divided absolute poverty in to two: primary absolute poverty and secondary poverty. According to him, primary absolute poverty is the situation in which even food; clothes, shelter etc. cannot be managed, or it is related with externally low income situation. Secondary absolute poverty situation is different in nature. This indicates that the poverty situation is that in which resources exist but the people become unable to classified and analyzed poverty in two types such as natural and artificial. Natural poverty is related with the situation in which means of production are least utilized. But artificial poverty appears in the process of economic changes and development.

Relative poverty refers to an unequal distribution of income and economic resources of a country. It is defined as a relative deprivation or exclusion from participation in society of persons, families a group of people whose material, culture, social resources are limited. Such deprivation excludes them from a minimum respectable way of life in the state where they live, Relative poverty is the condition in which people lack the minimum respectable way of life in the state where they live. Relative poverty is the condition in which people lack of minimum amount of income needed in order to maintain the average standard of living in the society in which they live. Relative poverty is considered the easiest way to measure the level of poverty in an individual country; relative poverty is defined relative to the member of a society and, therefore, differs across countries. People are said to be impoverished if they cannot keep up with the standard of living as determined by society. Relative poverty also changes over time. As the wealth of a society increases, so does the amount of income and resources that the society deems necessary for proper conditions of living.


A number of differences can be made between absolute poverty and relative poverty on this basis of definitions like a fulfillment of basic needs, income ceiling, its availability country, etc. The difference between absolute and relative poverty are mention in the following table.


Absolute poverty

Relative poverty

It refers to a situation in which individuals are unable to attain even basic needs food shelter clothes etc.

It refers to an unequal distribution of income and economic resources of a country among the people.

People cannot even fulfill their basic needs of food, clothes shelter etc.

People can fulfill their basic needs but not as much as other rich people.

The individual income is less than certain standard

The individual income is more than certain standard but lower than other groups.

It can be eradicated

It cannot be eradicated.

 It can be measured in quantitative terms.

It cannot be expressed in number but can be compared.


The overall concept of poverty is summarized in the following points.

1. People have to live on less supply of things than required with unequal distribution.

2. They have weak or low social status.

3. They are deprived from communication, information, transport and other social facilities and such infrastructure are distributed unevenly.

4. They are physically weak due to lack of health, several medical expenses, and inadequacy of nutrition etc.

5.  Generally, people have to live in unsecured and risky condition.

6. They are compelled to depend on agricultural occupation bear overload of debt, lie with sickness, have high infant death rate and have to face seasonal adversity.

7. They are also weak social power. In other words, they have least influence on social issue, on decision making and on finding solution of social problems.

8. Most of the poor feel disappointed and frustrated.

4.1.2 Meaning of inequality

The concept of inequality is in public debate throughout the world as it tends to mean different people. Many authors distinguish “economic inequality”, mostly meaning “income inequality”, “monetary inequality “or more broadly, inequality in living conditions. Others have distinguished a right based, legalistic approach to inequality, i.e. Inequality of rights and associated obligations

Inequality is another aspect of human society. Generally, inequality indicates unequal situation among the people in the economy and society. Economic inequality is the difference found in various measures of economic well-being among groups in a population, or among countries. Economic inequalities sometimes refers to income inequality is the difference found in various measures of economic. The issue of economic inequality is reverent to notions of equity, equality of opportunity. 

Inequality is concerned with disparities in distribution of certain materials, opportunities and facilities. It includes income, resource, health and educational opportunities or any other material or non-material assets. Thus, inequality is the state of not being equal, especially in sates, right, and opportunities. Inequality normally refers to within country i.e. inequality between individual or groups, gender, urban, and rural population, race etc. inequality among countries are referred to as international inequality.

Inequality has close link with the ideas of equity, which has two contrasting concepts: equality of opportunity and equality of outcome. The first one, equality of opportunity, is concerned with the equal potential of every individual’s access to public services and rights. Equality of opportunity, in particular is to have access in education, healthcare, education or job openings are today considered fundamental. The second            aspect of equity, equality of outcome is concerned with the actual outcome of assets distribution within or among countries. Policies to receive equality of outcome include direct and indirect redistribution.

Inequality has various dimensions. Among them economic inequality and social inequality are widely considered by the scholars over the years. Development theory has largely been concerned with inequalities in standards of living, such as inequalities in income/wealth, education, health, and nutrition. Economic inequality again concerned with the income and wealth.

 Social inequality is the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or status within a group or society; It may be the result of other important dimensions such as power, occupational prestige, schooling, ancestry, and ethnicity.

4.2 Cause of poverty and inequality and measures for Alleviation:

Poverty and inequality has been important issues in the Nepalese economy. There are various causes of poverty.  In the same manner, poverty alleviation measures have been applied in different programs. In the context, causes of poverty and suggestions for reduction are discussed in the following heads.

4.2.1 Cause of poverty and inequality

Most of Nepalese people are in poverty as well as in unequal condition. Government has been making efforts for poverty alleviation through different plans and activities. Various measures have been adopted to reduce economic and social inequalities. But situation has not been improved as per expectation. The poverty and inequality existence in Nepal has various causes and dimensions. Some causes for the persisting poverty and inequality in Nepal an be discussed as in the points as follow:

1. Backward agriculture: Majority of Nepalese people are living on agricultural occupation from the time immemorial with no or limited alternatives. In spite of that distribution of land is not equal. It has not been modernized and productivity level is still low. Inadequate capacity of farmers for investment, lack of irrigation, farmers unawareness low incentive for commercial  farming , inadequate capacity of farmers for investment lack of irrigation farmers unawareness low inceptive for commercial farming, inadequate exploration of possibility in agricultural sector increasing concentration of people in agriculture are responsible for agricultural sector, the low productivity of agricultural sector and unequal distraction of land  keeps them in poor and deprived situation.

2. Population growth: Population is increasing by high rate over the years. Due to this, problems such as inadequacy of food grain, unemployment disguised unemployment etc. are increasing. cross national production has not increased due to illiteracy, economic inability, and other reasons. As a result, people are living in poverty and inequality situation.

3. Weak consumption pattern: Due to insufficient production of food grains and other consumer goods, consumption level has not increased. Their health situation is gradually declining due to lack of balanced diet or necessary food. Because of that morbidity, malnutrition as well as occurrence of different diseases have reduced the working ability. It has caused decrease in the economy on one hand and huge amount of money is being spent on medical care on the other. As result, poverty and inequality is increasing over the years.

4. Underutilization of natural resources: Nepal has various natural resources such as water, forest, mineral etc. Among them Nepal is rich for water resources. But the resources are either underutilized or misused in the country. People do not get job for income. As a result poverty and inequality is increasing gradually.

5.  Slow development of industrial sector:The agriculture sector only cannot provide unemployed in Nepal. It is necessary to develop different industries, manufacturing factors etc. to solve the unemployment problem. But employment opportunities have not been industrial sector due to its slow development, so, the income level of the industrial sector due to its show development. So the income level of the people is still low poverty has remained deeply rooted with more inequality in Nepal.

6. Unfavorable social environment: Development and expansion of different sectors of economy become possible only in the favorable society. Due to diverse caste/ races and traditional society political instability social and economic inequality, a favorable environment has no yet prepared for industrial and business development. The habit of spending on unproductive activities exists even today. So, opportunities for employment have not increased. As a result, people’s income level has remained at lower level and people are poor and living on unequal situation.

7. No effective implementation of plans: It has been about more than the six decades of planned economic development. Various efforts have been made to implement policies and programs for the economic development in Nepal. But they have not been effectively implemented. So the target/ goal of the government to create employment opportunities and increase income level have become unsuccessful. As the result, poverty has been deeply rooted rather than eradication and inequality is increasing.

8. Political instability: Political instability often persists in Nepal. The frequent changes in economic policies and programs have created uncertainty in every sector. Due to frequent change in government, political, political power, economic policies and programs, uncertainly has prevailed in economic activities, in which a situation the industrialist and investors cannot create employment opportunities by using the resources, As a result, poverty has existed widely I n the country and inequality is common.

9. Impact of foreign economic policy: Nepalese economy and economic activities are based on the foreign aids. The donor agencies or the countries providing assistance or loans demand for implementation of their own policies to create a suitable environment for them. They give priority to their own policies to create a suitable environment for them. They give priority to their own interest rather than Nepal’s. Some of their policies become unfavorable to the interest of Nepal. Such condition directly and indirectly widens poverty and inequality rather than solving the economic problems of the Nepalese people.

10.   Socio-cultural factors: In Nepal, People are poor due to some unfavorable socio-cultural institutions.  Such institutions affect negatively on entrepreneurship development, trade etc.  As result resources including human resources remain idle in the one hand and poverty and inequality exist on the other.

11. Gender inequality: This is still a major problem in the 21 century. The phenomenon of unequal pay based on gender has caused more women than men live in poverty.  The failure to educate the girl child by several communities around the world condemns   them to a life to poverty. They have to depend on men to provide for them and sometimes get married just to escape poverty. Some societies do not let the girl child inherit property such as land from parent. They therefore, have no means to generate income and make a good life for themselves.

4.2.2 Measures for poverty Alleviation

 Poverty increases due to different reasons. Efforts made by different governments for poverty alleviation have not become successful. Until poverty is completely eradicated, justice, and peaceful society cannot be established, it is necessary to look at poverty from social, economic, and political and gender viewpoints. Any single effort cannot be successful to eliminate poverty is completely eradicated justice, and peaceful society cannot be established. It is necessary to look at poverty from social, economic, and political and gender viewpoints any single effort cannot be successful to eliminate poverty. It requires the analysis of various causes of poverty and various types of efforts should be adopted for alleviating poverty in Nepal.

1. Increase in productivity of agriculture:  Most of the Nepalese people are dependent on agriculture. Their income, purchasing power, consumption level can be upgraded through increase in production and productivity of agricultural system, equipments/tools, expand access to agricultural land than those who plough land have owned much greater part of agricultural  markets, improvement in other various aspects, etc.

2.  Improvement in land management: Agriculture is the main source of living of most of the Nepalese people. But the land distribution is still unequal. The people who do not plough land have owned much greater part of agriculture land than those who plough and work hard on it. So, until an improvement is made in such situation, the real farmers cannot get the land to increase production. So, it is necessary to give emphasis on scientific management of agricultural land. For this, common farming plot farming, estate farming, multi crops and scientific agricultural system should be practiced.

3. Population control: Nepalese population is rapidly increasing. To control the population, people should be aware towards family planning, they should be provided devices of family planning, and make them believe that small family is the best family. Different programs should be conducted to create the situation in which the population does not grow.   

4. Improvement in consumption:  Because of geographical diversity, different types of food grains are produce according to land and climatic condition in Nepal. They use food grains and fruits to make liquor and alcoholic drinks. So, to improve such situation, people should be made aware through different programs. If they use food grains and fruits properly, they become healthy and living standard rises from the bottom level. They can be involved in income generating activities. Health care expenditure can be reduced and it becomes helpful in poverty alleviation.

5. Utilization of natural resources:  Despite having sufficient natural resources, Nepal has remained unable to utilize them in social and economic development. If they are properly utilized, employment opportunities can be created. Other factors and productions found in the rural areas can be properly utilized income of the people. The poverty situation also gradually decreases.

6. Industrialization:  Although, the economy is based on agricultural sector, it cannot provide mass level employment opportunities. Unless employment and income generation are less than requirement, poverty cannot be reducing. To cope with this situation, industrialization process should be lunched so that mass level employment opportunities can be create. It helps to increase the income and poverty can be reduced.

7. Improvement in social environment: The existing social system its unequal in Nepal. There are several problems such as gender inequality, racial and caste inequality, unequal attitude towards occupation/ profession, etc. So, some communities and ethnic groups have not been able to participate in economist activities. The aristocratic groups hate and torture some communities for being low caste or for being engaged in even their works or products. So, it is necessary to improve such social system for poverty alleviation/elimination. For this social awareness campaign improvements in legal provisions etc. are necessary.

8. Effective implementation of planning:  A large number of real poor people have not got benefits from development plans. Development plans are formed and annually huge amount of resource has been invested in the name of development. But they are not implemented effectively, so, it is necessary to implement the development plans, monitor, give continuity, evaluate and consolidate the functional capacity of the body responsible to implement the plans and programs.

9. Political stability: Political stability is necessary for the social and economic development. Only stable political system, stable government can make proper development plans and implement plans and implement effectively. Only then it makes easy to identify real poor and solve their problems.

10. Investment in Human capital: Adequate investment in human capital also plays a key role in long-term poverty education. Therefore, investment should be made in different sectors like clean drinking water, education, health, and sanitation for reducing poverty.

11. Development of rural infrastructure: The development of rural infrastructure increases the opportunities and productivity of the rural people. Adequate transport, communication, electricity, irrigation, technological progress, marketing facilities, etc, increase the economic opportunities to people and helps to reduce poverty in the long run base.

12. Targeted programs for poor: Different targeted program in the field or irrigation, health, education, employment etc should be implemented for the marginalized classes of people and areas, which have not been able to enter in to the mainstream of development.

13. Women Empowerment: It is said that women could play multiple roles in the society. So, special emphasis should be given to women in education, health and employment. This, in turn, helps to control population and increase productivity.

4.3 Unemployment:  Types, causes and Measure of Employment Generation:

 4.3.1 Meaning of Unemployment: 

 Unemployment has remained as the common problem in all countries and unmanageable size of unemployment has created more serious problem especially   in case of underdeveloped countries. The situation is going to be alarmed with the population growth, increasing interest in economic participation, mobility of the people, etc. The nature of unemployment too, is charging with the development of science and technology.

Unemployment is the situation of actively looking employment opportunities but not being currently employed. Conceptually, unemployment is the state of an individual looking for a paying job but not having one. Unemployment does not include individuals such as full-time students, the retired, children or those not actively looking for a paying job. It also does not count individuals world part time but would kike a full time job.

As the nature of unemployment is changing over the years, various scholars have tried to define it giving focus on different aspects. D.W. Pearce has define unemployment as the stock  of all those individual who are not in employment and who are either in the process of moving to a  new job or who are unable to find work at the prevailing real wage rate. According to international labour organization, Unemployed people are those who are currently not working but are willing and able to work for pay, currently available to work, and have actively searched for work. In the same manner International monetary fund has defined unemployed persons as those aged 15 years and over, who fulfill the following three conditions, did not have any work during the last four weeks or who found a job to start within a period of at most three months;  was able to work in the next two weeks. World Bank has defined it as share of the labour force that is without work but available for and seeking employment.


This clearly indicates the situation for not getting job in spite of accepting prevailing wage rate. The unemployment comprises all persons of working age as given below:

1. Without work during the reference period, i.e. we’re not in paid employment or self employment.

2. Currently available for work, i.e. were available for paid employments of self-employments during the reference period.

3. Seeking work, i.e. had taken specific steps in a specified recent period to seek paid employment or shelf-employment,

4. Future starters, that is persons who did not look for work but have a future labour market stake (made arrangements for a future job start).

4.3.2 Types of unemployment

The above all discussion indicate unemployment as the unwanted deprivation from economic activities. People do not get job in spite of search according to their qualification and interest. Through they accept the prevailing wage rate of market, nobody after them to be involved in work or job. People may remain in jobless situation due to various causes. The nature of causes may be different according situation due to various causes. The nature of cause may be different according to situation of the economy, economic status of the nation, level of science and technology, etc. on the basis of this, various scholars have classified unemployment in different ways as discuss below:

1. Cyclical unemployment:   Fluctuation is one of the common features of the capitalist economy. The fluctuation of demand or goods and services in the economy leads to change in the level of production In case of falling demand, the production decreases and producers have to close the production, in certain circumstances. As producers reduces the production, the unemployment level increases and clasps with the prosperity, i.e. higher demand and increment in level of production. The cyclical unemployment in this context indicates the ups and down of unemployment level with economic recession and prosperity.

2. Technological unemployment: In course of technological unemployment, it exists due to change in the level of technology. When and advance technology replaces the labour intensive production process, people engaged in production get to be thrown out. They do not get the job easily in other areas due to certain circumstances.  i.e.  No skill to do other works, inadequate program for employment generation in other areas.

3. Seasonal Unemployment:  Seasonal unemployment is concerned with the change in season and occurrence of unemployment. Agriculture as well as so many other activities depends on season. People have to be busy in certain season for work and have to be remained idle in other seasons. The seasonal unemployment is common in most of the developing countries.

4. Structural Unemployment: The social and economic structure of the country changes with the change in society and its values. As the social and economic structure changes, production and marketing activities changes this leads to change the demand for goods and services. As the demand for goods decreases, producers have to be remained idle or as unemployed. The active people can be adjusted in new sectors where as less efficient people become unemployment in the economy.

5. Voluntary unemployment: Voluntary unemployment indicates that situation where people do not like to work at the existing wage level and remain idle in the economy. They do not want to work even given various motives by their own interest.

6. Frictional unemployment: Frictional unemployment exists due to the structural problem in the economy, immobility of production, etc. the economy has to perform various works but people cannot be adjusted easily for some time. The frictional unemployment exists mainly in the transitional phases in the economy.

Unemployment is common in all countries in the world. But the nature of unemployment is developing country may be different. Unemployment in underdeveloped country may be different due to the structure of economy. Generally underdeveloped countries have following types of unemployment.

1. Open unemployment:  Open unemployment is that situation where people do not get job in spite of interest for work.  In most of the underdeveloped countries, open unemployment exists as a chronic problem. People are ready to work at the existing wage level but do not get opportunities as per need. They do not have income and remain poor and under consumption condition.

2. Disguised unemployment:  Disguised unemployment is that situation where people are concentrated in certain work more than requirement. The level of production does not decrease in spite of reducing some people from the work. They seem working but real contribution in production is zero or near to zero. Marginal production in some situation remains negative, i.e., excluding some workers from the job results the increment in total production so far. Disguised unemployment exists basically in agricultural sector of underdeveloped countries.  High growth rate of population and rigid structure of agriculture create the place for disguised unemployment. Seasonal agricultural activities, inadequate rural economic activities, Seasonal requirement of services and irregularity in production lead to existing of the dense disguised unemployment.

3. Underemployment: Underdevelopment is that situation where people are working in the economy but less than their capacity. They remain in search of better opportunities in spite of engagement in work. Their placement is temporary and they try to find other at least better opportunities. As they are always in search of better opportunities, they do not give attention to the assigned work. As a result, the quality of production decreases.



1.3.3 Cause of unemployment:

Unemployment underemployment and disguised unemployment are increasing in developing world. Though efforts are continued, the required opportunities have not been created. As the demand for employment opportunities have not been created. As the demand for employment opportunities is increasing with the population growth, it has been challenging issue for Nepalese context.    Government has made the plan to reduce the unemployment with various programs but achievement is far behind the target set. In the Nepalese context, the causes of poverty are discussed as below:

1.  Backwardness of agriculture: Most of the people in Nepal are depending on agriculture and living in rural areas. The growth rate of population is high creating the demand for more employment opportunities. But agriculture is rigid and backward where large number of people cannot be adjusted easily. The prevalence of traditional agriculture is unfavorable to apply the employment generating activities i.e. commercial farming. As a result, the increased manpower with population growth remains unemployed or disguised unemployed.  

2. Poverty: Poverty is another cause of unemployment in Nepal because of poverty, the cycle of low income, low saving, low investment, low capital formation, low employment opportunities, poverty  rounds over the society, as people cannot invest in all overall context, the employment opportunities cannot be generated and unemployment exist so far.

3.  High rate of population growth: The population growth rate of Nepal is high and number of people is adding in total population, which is faster than the employment generation. The effort to increase the employment opportunities on behalf of government and non-government sectors would be insufficient to absorb the manpower at the required level, as a result, unemployment increases in the economy.

4. Defective educational system: Though Nepal is in process of educational development and extension, there are still problem for managing for managing scientific education. All efforts for educational development are unpractical in the sense of self employment generation. The educated people depend in the sense of self employment generation. But government only cannot create stuffiest employment opportunities. There is need of advanced and highly skilled manpower but people don’t contain that type of capacity so far. As a result, people cannot be adjusted in various economic activities.


5. Geographical difficulties and shortage of infrastructure: Because of mountainous region of Nepal, it has been very difficult for managing irrigation etc. facilities. Transportation,  communication, electricity, irrigation etc. Facilities have created difficulties for extending the infrastructure reducing the opportunities. But inadequacy of such facilities have created difficulties for extending the infrastructure reducing the opportunities for employment generation, as a result, large number of people in Nepal are in unemployed situation.


6. Problem of employment policy: Employment generation is important for economic mobility and development. By realizing the fact, economists and planners have given priority to employment generation while making plans. But government till now is not giving sufficient priority for income generation. The plans included some policies but could not address the rooted problems. The conflict of traditional and modern economic sector, inadequate protection of existing native industries has made ineffective implementation of employment policies.

7. Destruction of rural and traditional industries:

Nepal is in process of industrialization and various capital intensive industries have been established. The capital intensive industries are replacing the traditional industries. Which can employ more people in job The traditional industries which can employ more people in job. The inadequate unemployment generation of modern sector and replacement of the traditional sector have multiplied the size of unemployment so far.

8. Defective social system:  The Nepalese society is necessary dominated by traditional social values and systems, there is extreme inequality in the caste system, economic status, etc. people consider the prestige regarding certain type of economic activities. They do not want to be involved in various works in spite of opportunities available and remain unemployed large number of people in rural areas are still idle due to the social feelings.

9. Political instability: Political stability is necessary for economic activities, employment generation, technological development etc, but political instability has remained as big problem in Nepalese context. The government and political system is changing frequently which create the unstable economic and social system. In the unstable political environment, investors do not like to invest the resources for productive activities. As the investment remains low, the pace of employment generation also remains how creating the situation of unemployment. In instable situation, government cannot implement various economic policies effectively so that target of employment generation remains behind the set.

4.3.4 Measures for employment generation:

The chronic unemployment in the economy may create various difficulties and remains as the foundation of negative activities. The long run unemployment in the economy can create the political, social and economic and stability. The prosperity of the economy depends on the solution of such problems. This requires various pragmatic measures as per requirement of the economy. The increasing size of unemployment in Nepal has been threat in this regard. This calls adopted of pragmatic measures as per requirement of the economy. The increasing size of unemployment in Nepal has been threat in this regard. This calls adoption of pragmatic measures as soon as possible. As the Nepalese economy is sentence base, it requires the following measure so that level of unemployment can be reduced.

1. Modernization of agriculture:  Large number of economically active population is engaged in agriculture due to inadequate opportunities in other sectors of the economy. But the rigidness and subsistence oriented economic structure cannot absorb large number of people easily. It requires modernization of agriculture cannot absorb large number of people easily. It requires modernization of agriculture supported by various types of infrastructure.  Intensive farming perennial cultivation, market oriented production of agriculture can be the means for more employment opportunities.

2. Use of labour intensive techniques: Nepal is in process or development and various infrastructure development activities are going on.  The priority of labour intensive techniques in development work can absorb the increased manpower. Various people depending on agriculture can be pulled to infrastructure developing activities which may be the means for reducing disguised unemployment so far.

3. Industrialization: Industrialization can create more employment opportunities. It requires the main power for various activities. In the same manner, it promotes other activities such as new material production, market expansion, infrastructure development, etc which use the more labour force. As the industrialization has multiplier effect. Decentralization of industries can enhance the employment opportunities in all areas and would be helpful to reduce the problems.

4. Population control: As population increases, the size of labour force increases gradually. In the context, it is necessary to control the population for permanent solution of unemployment in the economy. Government has to follow various population controlling measures such as lunching awareness program, providing family planning devices, giving sex education, etc.

5. Practical education: The educational system in Nepal is responsible for the existence of unemployment to some extent. Practical education may create the feeling of shelf employment development of the entrepreneurship skills, explore out the economic activities in the systematic manner so far, Government has to take initiation to include the various scientific and programmatic issue in educational system and content.

6. Promotion of small enterprises: In the rural areas various small enterprises are prevailing since traditional period. Promotion of such enterprises may be the ways for increasing employment opportunities providing training to entrepreneur, equipments, credits, etc. may be the means of supporting them. As the small enterprises exist and enhance in sustainable ways, this will have multiplier effects and can control the migration to the urban areas.

7. Development of infrastructure:  Infrastructure such as transportation, communication, electricity can contribute in employment generation. Transportation helps to increase the mobility of people so that they can grab various opportunities. Communication helps for information dissemination regarding the economic opportunities, resources availability so that people manage the strategy for economic activities. Electricity helps to run various industries so that resources can be utilized in the optimum ways. The infrastructure development in rural areas will have multiplier effects.

8. Change in education system: Educational pattern should be completely changed; students who have liking for higher studies should be admitted in colleges and universities. Emphasis should be given on vocational education qualified engineers should start their own small unit.    

9. More assistance to self-employed people: Most people in India are self employed. They are engaged in agriculture, trade, cottage and small scale industries etc. these persons should be helped financially providing raw materials and technical training.

10. High rate of capital formation:  Rate of capital formation in the country should be accelerated. Capital formation should be particularly encouraged in such activities which generate greater employment opportunities. Capital output ratio should be kept low.

11. Industrial in co-operative sector:  Industries in co-operative sector should be encouraged. As the cooperatives are scattered in the rural areas, this would be a novel approach to fight against unemployment problem.

12. Decentralization of industrial activity: Decentralization of industrial activities is necessary to reduce unemployment. Such decentralization can absorb the labour forces of all rural areas in their locality.

Various measures can be applied for reducing the unemployment in the economy. The measure applied by the state and other organization may be different according situation and goal set by the economy. The strength or effectiveness of measures should be modified as per requirement.

4.4 Concept and role of human resources: Economic development requires various types of resources. Among them, human resources are important and every nations are giving importance on development of human resources. In the context importance and role of human resource are discussed in the successive heads.

4.4.1 Concept of human resources:

In general human resources is known as population of a country. But in economic human resources indicates human capital or human capacity of the economy. Human resources include the knowledge, efficiency physical and mental capacity to conduct the world of the human beings or population of the country.

All people acquire energy and physical strength depending on the situation. The acquired efficiency and competency of people becomes human resource. Competencies of people become human resource. Competencies consist of knowledge skills, abilities and experience, training possessed individual and collectively in the form of wealth of nation. The concept of human resources can be summarized in the following points.

1. Number of total active population (15-59) years living in a country.

2. It is the quality of human beings rather than the numbers only.

3. S it includes economically active population of a country.

4. Economic development of a country depends upon competent human resources.

5. Human resources development (HRD) is essential for overall development.

4.4.2 Role of human resources: Human resources is one of major factors of production process; i.e. entrepreneurial and labor. So, human resource development is equally important to increases economic activities and to improve living standard of people.  Role of human resource for economic progress are discussed on the following aspects:

1. Proper utilization of scare resources: Human resources development helps to utilize the scarce resources such as machine, money, material etc, Proper utilization of these resources helps in sustained and inclusive economic development of country.

2.  Increase in income, employment and output: Income, employment and output of the economy increases when the skilled, efficient and trained manpower are employed in the production process. Therefore, human resource plays vital role to increase income, employment and output of the economy.

3. Technological progress: Skilled and trained human resource can easily develop and conduct new equipment’s. Therefore, human resource can easily develop and conduct new equipment’s. Therefore, human resource is the key factor to adopt new and advanced technology for the rapid development of economy.

4. Socio-economic change: Human resource is a tool for socio-economic change. The skilled, efficient, trained and capable people can be the powerful instrument of change in society. Educated human resource can adopt economic friendly values, norms and customs. Social flexibility in the pre-condition for economic development.

5. Increased productivity: Human capital has been playing an important role for increasing productivity which has been mostly realized out of capital formation. 

6. Increased volume of output: As a result of human resource development, the production increases as the knowledgeable and skilled workers can make a rational use of all resources at their disposal. Attainment of vocational skills helps the workers and all categories of manpower to earn higher level of income in various professions. The improved health facility can enhance physical capacity of workers. Thus all these factors positively contribute towards increased output.

7. Addition to productivity capacity: Human resource helps to increase the productive capacity of the economy. By upgrading the technological scenario long with improved knowledge and skill can modernize the production technologies and thereby can add to the productive capacity of the country in general. Moreover, human capital formation can promote for adding physical stock of capital of the country.

8. Raised per capita income: Human resources development can raise per capita income of the country through  formation of human capital Imparting knowledge can improve the productivity of workers and therefore, can raise the per capita income.

9. Improving quality of life: Human resources development can pave the way for improving quality of life for the people in general. This can be made possible through improvements in the three components i.e. rise in per capita income, higher educational attainments and increase in life expectancy.

4.5 Concept of human development index and human development situation:

Human development is considered important aspect of development. Its quality affect on the other sector’s development in the long run and short run in all countries.

4.5.1 Concept of Human development:  Human development has got prime importance in development field. It has economic as well as other various dimensions. In reality human development is a process of enhancing people’s choices can be infinite and change over time depending on various factors such as resources availability, technological development, etc. In spite of those at all levels of development, the three essential ones are for people to lead a long and healthy life, to acquire knowledge and to have access to resources needed for a decent standard of living. if these essential choices are not available, many other opportunities remain inaccessible.

The concept of human development has been developed by a number of economists, prominent among who are Dr. Mehhub-ul-Haq and Nobel laureate Dr.Aartya Sen.  Explaining the concept of human development pros. Amartya Sen. Writes, “Explaining the process of widening people’s choices and the level of well being they achieve are the core of the notion of human development. But regardless of the level of development, the three essential choices for people are to lead a long and healthy life, to acquire knowledge and to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living. Human development does not end there, however, other choices highly valued by many people range from political, economic and social freedoms to opportunities for being creative and productive and enjoying self-respect and guaranteed human right.


It is clear from this in the concept of human development Prof. Amartya Sen would like to include the social, economic and political freedoms as well as human rights they enjoy in a country. Therefore, the latest Human Development Reports consider access the consider the performance of the countries in respect of these questions of freedoms and human rights along with the three indicators or criteria.


The human development approach has multiple dimensions. It calls for a simultaneous treatment of economic and social aspects of development. Sustainable human development is development that not only generates economic growth but distributes its benefits equitably. It regenerates the environment empowers people, Gives priority to the poor, enlarge their choices and opportunities and provide for their participation in decisions affecting them. It is development that is pro-poor, pro-nature, pro-jobs, pro-women and pro-children.


Human development approach accepts the importance of economic growth and health accumulation for the welfare of society. Economic resources help to enhance the development activities. But it may not be sufficient in reality till the human capacity and requirement are not be sufficient in reality till the human capacity and requirement are not addressed. Furthermore, wealth is not the only thing people enjoy in spite of its importance to welfare. Human beings also need enjoy long and healthy lives, opportunity of knowledge, participate freely in the life of their community, Fresh air and enjoy the simple pleasures of life in a clean physical environment and the peace of mind that comes from security in their homes. In their  jobs and in their society. Wealth may facilitate some of these desire it alone is not sufficient in the regard.

The complex relationship between economic growth and human development was explored in detail in the 1996 human development report.  The central message was that there is no automatic link between economic growth and human development, but when this link between economic growth and human development, but when these links are forged with policy and determination, they can be mutually reinforcing and economic growth will effectively and rapidly improve human development Government policies important.


4.5.2 Human Development Index:  It is felt that the increase in national income (GNP) or per capita income as considered indicator of economic growth does not truly represent adequate measure of welfare and economic development in the country. After a long discussion, it called to develop the index which truly and correctly reflects the level of economic welfare and economic development of a nation the HDI serve as a frame of reference for both social and economic development.


Human development index is a summary measure for monitoring long-term progress in a country’s average level of human development. There are three basic dimensions: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and decent standard of living. Thus, human development report (1997) sates, income is clearly only one option that people would like to have, though an important one. But it is not the sum total of their lives. Income is also a means, with human development, the end”. So human development index is a composite measure of three aspects of good life and well being.


The Human development index (HDI) is defined as the composite statistics used to rank countries by levels of human development. The HDI is a measure used to rank countries by levels of human development. The HDI is a measure of health, education, and income. It measures the average achievements in a country in these three basic dimensions of human development, Human development index(HDI) is a measure of economic development(life expectancy, education and income level) and uses this to create an overall score between 0 and 1 indicates a high level of economic development, 0 a very low level. The major HDI are mentioned below.

1.  Longevity:  it is measure by life expectancy at birth. Life expectancy at birth means how many years a newly born infant can live in this world. This represents element of health in the human development index (HDI).

2. Education or knowledge: It is measured by the weighted average of adult literacy and 1/3rd weight is given to the mean years of schooling.

3. Standard of living:  It is measured by real per capita income of a country at purchasing power of currencies of different countries.

4.5.3 Human development indicators:

The situation of human development is observed on the basic of various indicators. Some mayor indicators are explained below:  

1. Life expectancy:  It represents the age until which a specific person of a fixed age is expected to live. Naturally, life expectancy rate and corresponding age are likely to differ with increasing age.

2. Schooling years: It represents the number of years an individual is likely to attend school during his/her lifetime. It is also an indicator of the level of education an individual receives.

3.  Adult literacy ratio: It represents the data about both female and male adults having the ability to read and write.

4. Infant mortality rate:  the rate represents the total number of deaths in infants aged below 1 year scaled to that of a 1000 babies for a particular year. The higher the value the more precautions a nation needs to observe towards infants care after birth.


5. Maternal mortality rate: the rate represents the total number of mothers who die while giving birth. Similar to infant mortality rate, a higher figure is indicative of lack in proper medical infrastructure for pregnant women.

6. Population below the poverty line: It shows the number of people below a certain level of calories consumed by them for instance, for rural areas, it is 2400 calories, and for urban areas, it is 2100 calories, anyone consuming lower than this predefined limit is likely to fall under the category of below poverty line.



4.5.4 Nepal’s HDI value and rank:

 UNDP is measuring the HDI situation of different nations in the world. Busing the national level data, UNDP has published various reports since 1990. The situation of HDI index of Nepal is presented in the following table.



HDI value





















Table: 4.2                                                                                                                                                   Source:  UNDP





Nepal’s HDI value for 2019 is 0.602. it shows the country’s position as the medium human development category. The rank is 142 out of 189 countries and territories. Between 1990 2019, Nepal’s HDI value increased from 0.387 to 0.602, an increase of 55.6 percent. This shows the improving situation over the years.


4.6 Present situation of population of Nepal (size, composition, distribution and growth):

Size and growth rate of population directly and indirectly affect in the development process. The high rate of population growth increases the pressure on available limited resources. Because of that, planners and decision makers have to consider the size and growth of population while taking decision makers have to consider the size and growth of population while taking decision to allocate the available resources, employment generation, extension of social and other facilities, etc. In this context, various aspects of Nepalese population are discussed in the successive topics.

4.6.1 Population growth:  Various censuses conduct in past, have indicated the addition of population by bulk amount. The size of population and inter census change in population is presented in the following table.


                                                  Census Years






Population size






Population growth rate (%)






Mountain region






Hill region






Terai region


















Table: 4.3                                                                                Sources: 1. CBS, population monograph of Nepal, 1995

                                                                                                                  2. CBS, population monograph of Nepal, 2003

                                                                                                                  3. CBS, population monograph of Nepal, 2014



The population growth rate of Nepal has remained high in different censuses. Various efforts have been made to reduce the growth rate over the years. But targets have not been fulfilled. In the same way, there is variation in the growth rate of population in different regions, settlement area and so on. The above table shows the population in different regions. The population growth rate situation in Nepal and different regions. The population growth rate is slightly higher than 1.4 percent per annum. But there is variation in the growth rate has remained highest in the terai region followed by hill and mountain respectively. This is consistent in all censuses. In the same manner, the population growth rate is higher in the urban than in the rural areas.

The interregional variation in population growth indicates that the terabit region and urban areas have higher growth rate than other mainly due to the migration components. As most of the people have the tendency to migrate to the terai and urban areas, the growth, rate has remained higher since long time and seems consistent in the future too. The high growth rate of population in terai and urban areas have increased the pressure on limited availability of land and other resources over the years.

4.6.2 Population Composition:  Population consumption is another important Aspect of population analysis. Population composition affects the economics activities in different ways so that it constitutes important place in development issues. Population composition includes density, sex ratio, occupational structure, caste structure, religions structure, languages etc. As the process of development use to be affected by the population composition, it is necessary to analyze their situation and changing pattern. The different aspects of the population composition are presented in the following table and points.

1. Population density: Population per unit of area is known as the population density. Generally it is measured on the basic of per square Km. and indicates the level of population pressure on per unit area. Higher the size of population in per unit area, higher would be the pressure on resources. the table shows the increasing population density over the years. The population density is highest in the terai region followed by hill and mountain respectively which indicates the population pressure is relatively high in terai than other region.

2. Economically active population: Economically active population influence in the economic activities and prosperity of the nation. It higher participation of people in economic activities affects positively in production and helps to maintain high speed in the resource utilization. Analysis of situation of economically active population provides the basis for formulation of real economic policy. The participation rate of economic activities in latest census 2068 is 54.2 where as this for male and female is 62.5 and 64.8 percent respectively. There is variation in participation rate by rural and urban areas as well as for male or female. The participation rate is higher in rural areas compared to urban in all census. It is consistent in case of male and female.



Census Years




Population density




Mountain region




Hill region




Terai region
















Economically active population





























































Indo Aryan (Nepali, Bhojpuri, Tharu. Abadhi, Rajbangsi, Hindi, Urdu)




Tibetan( Tamang, Newari, Magar, Rai, Kirat, Gurung, Limbu, Bhote, Sherpa, Sunuwar, Danawar, Thakali)




Munda (stair, Aaathal etc.)









Literacy rate




Mountain region




Hill region




Terai region










Rural areas




Urban areas













  Table 4.8                                                                                          Source: 1. CBS, population Monograph of Nepal, 1995

                                                                                                                            2. CBS, population Monograph of Nepal, 2003

                                                                                                                            3. CBS, population Monograph of Nepal, 2014             


3. Religious distribution of population: There are various religious groups in Nepal. They have different social values and belief and those implication in economic activities directly and indirectly. As it has implication in economic activities, it is necessary to analyze the composition and trend of religious situation. Various censuses have indicated the higher percentage of people believing on Hindu religion in Nepal followed by Buddha, Islam and Kirat respectively.

4.  Population distribution by mother tongue: As there is caste and ethnic differentiation, the language variation is another part of Nepalese ethnicity and locality so far. Among them Nepali, Maitheli, Bhojpuri, Abadhi, Rajbansi, Hindi, Urdu, Tamang, Newer, Magar, Rai, Kirat, Gurung, Limbu, Bhote, Sherpa, Sunuwar, Danuwar, Thakali are some common.  The share of population specking different language varies where Nepali is common and widely accepted compared to others, In addition to above mentioned language, there are some other languages having small share in national scenario, Banta, Bajjika, Chamling, Santhal, Chepang, jhangar/Ghagar, Bargali,,Madwari,/ Rajeshthani, Magahi, Thami, Kulung, Dharma, Amgika, Yakkha, Thulung, Swamping, Bhujel/Khawas, Darai Khaling, Tibetian, Dui, Jerez, Bumbule/Imbue,, Puma, yolmo, Notshining, Dura, Mocha, Pahari, Lepcha/ Lopche, Bore, Hahing, Koi/Koya, Radii, Byansi, Lampe, Chale, Kharia, Tshiling, Lohorung, Panjabi are seen as ,other languages of different communities. There are some other languages spoken by very few numbers of people and existed in certain specific area.

5. Literacy status: Education affects in the economic and social activities, Educational level shows the quality of population. By realizing the fact, various efforts have been made to raise the education status of population. The table has indicates the gradual improvement in literacy status over the years. The level of literacy has been improved in all geographical regions and rural urban areas. But female literacy is comparatively low than male in all regions and rural and urban areas. In spite of that, there is still variation in literacy rate. Literacy rate is high in hill and urban areas than other regions and rural areas respectively.

6. Occupational structure: People of rural and urban areas are involved in different economic activities. As they are carrying out different activities, there is wide variation in occupational situation. The occupational structure of population is presented in the following table.

Occupational Description

                                                      Rural Area




1. Professional/ Technical




2.  Administrative and Related




3. Clerk





4. Businessman




5. Services




6. Agriculture








8. Other




Not Stated




Table 4.5

                                                                                                                    Source: CBS, population Monograph of Nepal, 2014



According to latest census about 67.7 percent people are involved in agriculture sector. About 9.5 percent people are involved in the services, followed by business and sales 4.5 percent. In the same manner, people are involved in other various occupations as per their capacity and resources availability.

7.  Caste/ Ethnicity structure of population: Nepal is common place for different caste and ethnic groups. Various caste and ethnic groups of people have been settled since long time according to locality, climate and their favorable situation. Most of the ethnic and caste groups of people are in mixed situation due to the mobility in course of social and economic activities. In course of collecting information, various censuses have classified the population in to different caste specially giving importance on origin i.e. Terai, hill and mountain. According censuses people are classified as Terai, hill and mountain origin. They are scattered in various parts of the country in course of running different economic activities.

8. Low expectation of life: Life expectancy at birth is the indicators of quality of life. The higher expectancy at birth indicates the low child morality, infant mortality, healthy life, educated population, availability of nutritional status, etc. Because of that various efforts have been made to reduce the mortality to make the high life expectancy at birth. The life expectancy at birth in different time period, estimated by various agencies has indicated the relatively lower situation than that of developed economics. The life expectancy all birth in 2011 was about 27.1 for male and 28.5 for female. It has increased gradually and reached more than 65 for male and female. The improvement on health and education facilities, decrease infant and child morality etc are responsible in this regard.

9. Decreasing death and birth rate:  Level of mortality is another indicator of quality of population. It is related with education, health as well as other so many factors. Various estimation, regarding, morality have been carried out by different institutions and scholars which shows the decreasing trend over the years. This is mainly due to the extension of educational and health facilities, awareness towards sanitation, decreasing infant and child mortality etc.

 Fertility is another component of population change. Higher fertility per women means higher growth rate of population. Controlling fertility rate is one important measure to reduce the population growth rate. By realizing this fact, various efforts have been made to control the fertility. As a result the level of fertility is decline gradually. This may be due to the increasing educational status of male and female, conciseness about female health, involvement of female in economic activities, decreasing situation of infant and child mortality and so on.


4.6.3 Population Distribution: Topographically, Nepal is divided in to three ecological zones: a) Mountain, (b) Hill and (c) Terai. These zones are quite different in terms of climate, physical features, landscape and altitude. It has covered about 35 percent of the total land area of Nepal. It includes the rocky areas of the Himalayan range that are not appropriate for human Settlements. Hill zone lies at an altitude of 610 to 4,877 meters above sea level, covers 42 percent of the land area and there are many valleys and river basins located in this region that are suitable for human settlement. Terai region is situated at an altitude less than or equal to 610 meters above sea level. It is the most fertile and low-lying region of Nepal and constitutes 23 percent of the total land area of Nepal.


Regarding this situation, the population distribution is important aspect of development. There is highly variation in population distribution by ecological regions due to the diversity and possibility of livelihood.




Table 4.6


                                  Census Years





Distribution by Geographical region





 Mountain region





Hill region





Terai region





Population distribution by residence















                                                                                            Sources: 1. CBS, population Monograph of Nepal, 1995

                                                                                                            2. CBS, Population Monograph of Nepal, 2003

                                                                                                            3. CBS, population Monograph of Nepal, 2014





Above table shows the uneven distribution of population by ecological belts in Nepal. In spite of small area covered by Terai region, more than 50 percent population is concentrated according to the  census 2068 B.S. The mountain    Region bears lowest populationthan other region. Such situation is witnessed in all censuses.

Like that way, the population distribution can be classified as rural and urban. Various census has indicated that the rural population is highest than urban in all census. In spite of that the share of urban population in increasing over the years.

In recent structure, Nepal has been divided in to seven provinces. They are different in various aspects. The situation of population distribution is uneven. The population distribution in seven provinces is presented in the following table.

Province 1




















Province 5

























Percent of total population



Table 4.7

                                                                                                                                                Source: Central Bureau of Statistic



Above table clearly shows the population distribution situation by provinces is uneven. The share of Bagmati and Karnali province is highest and lowest respectively.            


Long questions

1. Define poverty. What are its causes? Differentiate between absolute poverty and relative poverty.

2. What is meant by poverty? What are its causes?

3. Define inequality. What are its causes?

4. What are your suggestions for poverty alleviation?

5. Define unemployment. What are its types?

6. What are the major causes of unemployment? Given suggestions for reducing the unemployment situation in Nepal.

7.  Define human resource. Explain its role in the economy.

8. Define human development. Explain about the human development index.

9. Explain about the population growth and distribution in Nepal.


Short questions

1.  Define the concept of poverty and inequality.

2. What are the causes of poverty?

3. Differentiate between relative and absolute poverty.

4. What are measures of poverty alleviation?

5. Explain different types of unemployment.

6. What are the major causes of unemployment?

7. Explain the role of human resource in economic development.

8. Explain about the human development index.

9. Describe the population growth variation in Nepal.

10. Explain the population distribution situation in Nepal.




Very short questions

1. Define poverty.

2. What is meant by absolute poverty?

3. What is relative poverty?

4. Define about the cyclical unemployment.

5. Define disguised unemployment?

6.  What is the frictional unemployment?

7. What is the meaning of inequality?

8. Define open unemployment.

9.  What is seasonal unemployment?

10. Define about structural unemployment.

11. What is meant by voluntary unemployment?

12. Mention any four causes of unemployment.

13. Mention any four measures of poverty alleviation.

14. List any four suggestions for unemployment reduction.

15. Define human resources.

16. Mention any four importance of human resource.

17. Define human development index.












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