development of society

development of society


It is believed that the English world “ society” emerged in the 15th or 16th century. It was derived from


the French world ‘ society”  which in turn had its origin in the latin world “societas “ societas meant “friendly association with others, from “socius “ meaning “companion”. Therefore society in broader sense means “ a structured community of people bound together by similar traditions , institutions, or nationality . in other worlds, society is an association of people sharing the same geographical or social territory and those who have friendship, cooperation's and unity.

When we study the origin and evolution of human society , we find that it emerged with the people’s desire to live better.  Other worlds, process of positive changes (development ) led to the beginning and continuous evolution of society   that’s why development of socity means the process of improving mutual relations, structures, social  organizations, etc. in this process every society is mostly found to be transforming  from  simplicity to complexity, unity  to diversity , barbarity to civilization, primitiveness to modernity and equality to inequality. These are common characteristics of the development of society. 


In the beginning human beings were also similar to other creatures. They also lived in forests  like animals. they had no permanent settlement.  Instead ,they moved from place to place in search of food and warding off  animals. so they started living in course of time as they  couldn’t find enough wild food, they started cultivation and animal farming. Further, that made their house
and settled in a fixed place sharining each other’s help. River  banks were their first  choices because of water and fertile land available there. Later they also made rules and gave someone the responsibility of regulating the same. This I show the human society originated.


Human society is different from time to time and from place to place. Still every society possesses certain features. the following are the basis features that constitute society.

a.  likeness: likeness or similarity is a primary basis of unity . it is likeness that brings people together. that’s why human society started with the unity of people of common lineage and tribal affinity. Only people of similar characteristics could trust each other and from associations in the earliest time too.

b. reciprocity:  those who have the likeness and live in group differentiate against those who are not like them and grow mutual love, trust, cooperation in their group. This reciprocal awareness gives them we-felling.

c. differences  : only sense of likeness is not enough for social organization and we know no two individuals are same in their nature. They are different in terms of nature, interests and abilities. They are people of biological differences ( males and  females), ethnicities, professions, economic strengths, and so on. These also of different age groups. You cannot imagine a society with only children or youths or old. That’s why society of similar people doesn’t exclude diversity. Diversity is required for the cultural , social and economic prosperity of society . it’s also reuried for sharing of help and cooperation.

d. interdependence: even today it is not possible for us to satisfy our desire in isolation. We have to borrow and lend, give and take.. we feel secure as we live secure as we live in society; this means collective security. Everyone feels secure because of others. There . there is also interdependence for sexes. None of the two sexes is complete by itself. More broadly, in our time, all communities and nations are interdenpent.

 e. cooperatin: society originated because people needed cooperation. Cooperation is essential for every society to exist and develop. Members of society should work together for their common purposes of leading a happy and comfortable life. According to p. gisbert  “cooperation is the most elementary process of social life without which society is impossible”. Cooperation also leads to economy. People cooperatewhen they realizen that they have common interests and goals.

f. conflict:  as mentioned above likeness and diversity exist in society side by side. When  people of different backgrounds, natures interests and goals live together, conflict is natural. According to George simmel “ a conflict free harmonious society is practically impossible’. Thus, conflict is natural in society.

g. transformation: society is dyamic. It keeps changing. Normally, society changes positively towards the common goals of its members. Social development is a result of this characteristic of society. thus social transformation is natural,universal and continuous phenomenon.

Worlds to known

Affinity    :     similarity of connection between people;resemblance

Barbarity    :   an uncivilized condition; cruelty ; savagely

Lineage    :     line of descent; ancestry ; family

Tribal    :     relating to trible (large family);ethnic ;ancestral

Economy    :     careful and sensible use of money ; cheapness; frugality (thrift)

Points to remember

1. the term ‘society ‘ is very derived from the French world ‘society’ that in turn originated from latin world ‘socitey’ that means ‘friendly’ association with others’.

2. society emerged with the desire of its members to live a better and more comfortable life.

3. in the distant past, society originated when people felt the need of each other’s help in collecting food and warding off wild animals.

4. society , though differs from time to time and place to place , has certain common characteristics.

5. the following are the common elements that constitute society.

a. it has people with similar backgrounds, interest and goals.

b. there is mutuality (felling of mameness and sharing) among the members of society .

c. society also has diversity ; this means people of different sexes, ages , natures  and interests.

d. there is interdependence and mutual security among them members of society.

e. there is cooperation in society that leads to economy, progress and prosperity.

f. diversity leads to conflicts in society.

 g. society continuously transforms towards betterment . 

Types of society


The human beings have been on the earth since millions of years ago. They have gone through different stages of evolution. As you know already, the development and civilization we se today was not made overnight. It took really a very long time. Sociologists and anthropologists who study the origin and development of human beings as well as their social structures have classified human society in certain different ways. English anthropologist sir. E.B Tylor (1832-1917) has studied human society so
cieties by dividing them into three types: savage , barbarian and civilized. But Karl Marx (1818-1883) divides societies into hunting , pastoral , feudal, capitalists' and socialist types: some other sociologists place societies in three broad categories only ; pre-industrial, industrial , and postindustrial. They believe that ‘ all so cites progress through these three stages in the same sequences  nut at different rates.’

Classification of society and its bases

 a. economic: capitalist, socialist and mixed

b. lingual: monolingual, bilingual and multi-lingual

c. religious: Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim , Christian, etc.

d. settlement: rural and urban

e. time: ancient, medieval and modern

according to most sociologists and anthropologists there have been five major types of societies , each of which ha some unique features.

A. hunting and gathering societies

hunting and gathering societies are the types of societies. In this type of societies, the members survive primarily by hunting trapping , fishing, and gathering edible plants. They spend most of their time these activities done to feed themselves. They live nomadic life. They have no permanent settlement because they move around constantly in search of food . they live in small number; normally up to
60 members who are mostly related by birth  or marriage. This types of society is also called a hunter-gatherer society and is stil found in some parts of the world mainly the amazon forest of south America.

b. pastoral societies

pastoral societies can also be called animal rearer animal societies. These are believed to have begum around 12,000 years ago. In this type of societies, people live mostly by producing their needs through domestication and breeding of animal. They are more stable but do move g
razing their animals. their sources of food are more reliable so they can support large population. As food supply is enough, some people also work in other areas such as making tools, weapons, clothing and jewelry. Thus, they gradually move towards trading their surplus and collecting wealth. Pastoral societies tend to develop in the areas without cultivable land and climate. Pastoral societies exist  in some some parts such as Kenya, Nigeria and Ethiopia as well as the Himalayan region of Nepal.

c. horticultural societies

horticultural societies emerged about 10,000 years ago when forest areas were cleared by cutting or burning for fruit farming. Therefore , people in horticural societies feed themselves by growing fruits, vegetables , and plants. They move less frequently for finding new areas for
fruit cultivation when the existing area turns  barren. The size of family depends on the availability of arable land. People tend to practice wielder division of labor and creation of rich and poor classes.

d. agricultural societies

agricultural societies are also called agrarian societies. Cultivation of crops for food and keeping of farm animals are the two major characteristics of agrarian society. they use animals to plow farm land. These types of societies are supposed to have originated about 8,500 years ago

from Egypt. The Nile river basins were possibly first used for farming. In these types of societies there are more complex  divisions of labour, wider surpluses, trades and earnings as well as conflicts and more concrete government structures. Thus agrarian societies also turn into feudal societies. Towns also grow  in these types of societies. Many unindustrialized countries of the world of today have agrarian societies.

e. industrial societies

industrial societies emerged at the background of the industrial revolution in the 15th and 16th centuries. In this period a new economic system had emerged to replace feudalism. In industrial societies, most people work in manufacturing, trade and services with little population still
cultivating land but in commercial and technological ways. They use advanced machinery in their jobs and produce high. As a result thye can maintain a high standard of life. Capitalism abounds and it gives rise to creation of distinctively rich and poor classes, socio*economic freedoms and open market, widespread trade and lower self-reliance. In addition there is higher cultural diversity. 

Worlds to known

Anthropology : the study of humankind in all its aspects , especially human cultural or human development (it differs from sociology as it a more historical and comparative approach.)

Sociology : the study of the  origin, development , and structure of human societies and the behavior of individual people and groups in society

Horticulture: cultivation of garden. Job of cultivation plans, esp fruit and flower

Pastoral : relating to rural life and animal farming

Agrarian: relating to farming and rural life, agricultural

Division  of labour:  a system of organizing production by giving separate tasks to separate workers or groups of workers

Points to remember

1. the human society has come a long way. It has gone through various stages of development.

2. societies are classified on different societies but all classifications following the three broad divisions : pre-industrial and post-industrial.

3. most anthropologists and sociologists classify societies into 5 major types : hunting and gathering , pastoral(animal keeping) , horticultural (cultivating fruit)agrarian (farming land and animals ) and industrial. 

Elements of society

Only association of people may not be called society. the association should be properly organized and should possess other elements. The following are the basis elements of society.

A. territory

 Territory (land) is  basic element of society. every society ha sits won geographical domain. This binds them together. within the territory. They share their ideas, feelings , cooperation's and live a particular type of life. The size of territory is not fixed. It may be a bit  small or big.

 b. size

here size means the total number of members  of a certain society. like territory, the size of population is not fixed. It may be small or big. it depends on  territory , ancestry , means and resources available as well as the interests of the members.

c. name

every society has its special identity and name. it may be geographical, cultural , social or even political. The name keeps the members closed to each other. In the worlds , the members of definite society are also united under its identity and name.

d.  self-origin and development

 society is self-originating. It is formed without any plan. For example , society may develop in a certain new place when peole from elsewhere come there and start settling . gradually, the dwellers grow the we- feeling and unite and cooperate.

e. stability

society is stable. The members have permanent attachment to their territory, group, government and means and resources.

f. simple life

 members of every society originally try to make their living  by using the available means and resources. the climate and availability of resources such as land, vegetation and water highly influence their lifestyle. For example , those living in hot wet region cultivate land and those in colder and drier region keep animals.

g. rules and obedience to them

rules must be followed when people start living in association. Everyone has his/her duties and responsibilities. Obedience to rules and regulations leads to peace, prosperity  and happiness while violation of the same leads to destruction and misery.

h. government

 every well-function society has its movement. Government is needed to enforce rules and regulations (laws), protect rights , give services, settle disputes and lead the development activities. Govement is formed as a result of contract between the ruled (ordinary members) and the ruler (certain representatives with power).3

i. we-feeling

 by natural man is a breathing with superiors feelings. as mentioned above, people who start in a definite geographical territory sharing means and resources as well as love cooperation grow the feelings of unity and sense of we.  So they work for the common benefits of all people dwelling there. They help each other in need. They observe festivals together.

j. respect to the past

 every new generation inherits traditions and customs, norms and values and rules and regulations from the order generations as well as the means and resources they have saved. So  society grows sense of respect to and feeling of pride on the legacy of thy ancestors. 

Qualities of good societies

 Just a society and good society are different entities. Not only societies are good societies. Certain qualities make a society good.. below are some the major qualities of the ancestors.

a. ownership

members of a good society have good sense of ownership. Everyone thinks his/her society is for his/ her own benefit. Sense of ownership encourages activeness and sense of responsibility and these further encourage development.

b. collectiveness

  members of a good society not only think ‘I’ but also ‘we’ because they have realized the need and importance of living together. they start thinking widely. They attach greater priority to their common benefits and work collectively for the same. 

 c. unity

 proper sense  of collectiveness brings unity among members. They are united for the fulfillment of their common goals and solution to their common problems.

d. cooperation

unity without cooperation is not at all. Members of good societies unite and cooperation and support to weaker members. Everyone has universal access to human essentials.

f. amity

members of a good society are friendly and helpful. They share the means and resources available, respects each other’s diversity and help each other in need. They possess the civic and social qualities of tolerance and fellow-felling . they maintain equality and equity.

g. goodwill and love

without reciprocal love and goodwill no society can be well-organized and properly functioning. That’s why, a good society has positive attitude, mutual love and respect , trust and confidence among its members. These are key elements for peace, prosperity and happiness.

h. obedience to rules

living in society creates duties and responsibilities. Members of a good society are obedient to rules and regulations. Proper obedience laws brings peace, propriety and happiness. Pace is a prerequisite of progress. Obedience to rules and regulations also brings feeling of security and confidence. That’s why there is a proper system of justice in a good society that also includes punishment to wrong doers.

i. responsibility

as mentioned earlier, living in society creates duties and responsibilities. So members of a good societies realize their respective duties and responsibilities though they have great freedoms proper discharge of social duties and responsibilities leads to peace and security and progress and prosperity.

j. reformation

every good society is always transforming to the betterment. The members work actively, united and responsibly for the eradication of evils and strive for more peaceful , just and prosperous world 

World to known

domain: space : area

dweller: reside of a particular place ; settler

contract: formal agreement ; paper of the same

legacy: something valuable from past: inheritance

amity: friendliness

just: full of justice; fair and impractical

eradication: act of removing something completely ; abolition

points to remember

1. not all groups of people can be called societies

2. territory, size, name ,self-origin and development, stability, simple life, rules and their obedience, government we-feeling and respect to the legacy are some elements of a society.

3. certain greater qualities make a good society.

4. ownership, collectiveness, unity, cooperation, amity, security goodwill and love, proper obedience to laws, responsibility and reformation-orientation are some basic elements of good societies. 


Introduction to socialization

As you have discussed in the previous lessons, society emerged with the realization that unity and cooperation's is needed for security, comfort and happiness. It is more important for human beings than other creatures because human beings are more sensitive and ambitions. As a mem
ber of society, everyone should learn how to adjust with others living there. He should respect norms and values, follow rules and regulations and behave according to the social standards. This process learning is called socialization. As the Britannica encyclopedia puts:

“ socialization is the proses whereby an individual learns to adjust to a group(or society) and behave in a manner approved by the group (or society).”

More comprehensively, socialization is a lifelong process of understanding the society and following its customs as well as norms and values. The process begins soon after birth and continues till death. It is also a way of acquiring cultural. In this process in individual learns the skills and habits necessary to properly behave in society. socialization is thus ‘the means by which social and cultural continuity are attained’.

Language , love, affection and cooperation as well as social integration are major mediums or elements of socialization.

Importance of socialization

A person is born without any cultural; without knowledge of what is good and what is not good. Socialization is a process of acquiring cultural. It is a continuous process of developing one’s identity, beliefs, and knowledge. It makes a person social and responsible. Socialization trains them to be socially acceptable and adaptable according to the social standards. For example, girls learn how to be daughters, sisters, friends , wives and mothers and boys learn how to be sons , brothers, friends, husbands , and fathers

Socialization is a process for an individual of making and adjustment in the society. it enables him/her to participate in social activities for the good of society and keeping in tune with the social discipline. In other worlds, socialization helps a person to be a useful and practical member of his/hersociety. It helps a person to realize his/her duty as a member of the society. an unsocialized man is an outcast. He/she has no place in society. socialization is the basis of social development and reformation. Socialization also develops personality. Those who are properly socialized can achive success and live comfortably and respectfully. Good socialization promotes peace, harmony and cooperation in society.

Agents of socialization

 Socialization starts shortly after birth and continues throughout life.  All the events, institutions, customs , practices, behaviors and activities between these two points that help in the socio-cultural learning process are known as the agents of socialization. They are divided into two major types: primary

A. primary agents

Primary socialization takes place in childhood. It occurs among children and early childhood is the period of the most important socialization. The child’s immediate family, relatives and friends are the primary agents of socialization. The primary socialization is also affected by festivals as well as social occasions like marriage and fair, there the child learns the attitudes, values, and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular cultural. It helps them to build a ground work for further socialization. For example , a child who saw his/her parents showing kindness to the weak, will behave with handicapped friends at school with sympathy.

b. secondary agents.

Secondary socialization is the process of learning how to behave appropriately within a larger society. it is a process of forming a behavior pattern according to the standards of society. it  takes place outside the home mainly among the teenagers and adults. One learns how to act in an acceptable way. Educational institutions such as schools, social organizations, political parties, financial institutions such as banks and cooperatives, religious institutions and mass media are the major agents of the secondary socialization. They learn more importantly by participating in these fields. Actually, social participation is the backbone of socialization.

 These two types of socialization take place through two different methods: formal and informal education techniques. Formal education occurs primarily in a classroom which structured , controlled and directed. But informal education occurs informally without any plan and organization. It can occur anywhere. In this type of education (socialization) one imitates what others do and and learn knowledge.

Worlds to know

In tune: in agreement with somebody or something

Outcast : somebody rejected or excluded society

Points to remember

1. socialization refers to the process of being trained to be social and taking part in social activities.

2. socialization helps a person to be socially acceptable and useful.

3. socialization differs from one society to another.

4. family, friends and relatives are the primary agents of socialization.

5. formal agents of socialization outside the home are the secondary agents of socialization e.g. school, clubs, political parties, etc.

Our identities

National identify

Nepal as a nation ha sits distinctive identity in the world. It’s small country with the biggest physical diversity in the world. South to north, Nepal’s land topography is so varied that it ranges from just 59m from the sea level to the highest point on the earth i.e. MT Everest at an elevation of 8848m. between these two points there are plains, hills , river basins, valleys, mountains and plateaus. Out of 14 tallest mountains of the world towering above 8,000m, 8 are are found in Nepal. We have the world’s highest lake (Tlicho) and deepest  gorge (dana, kaligandaki). Resulting from his territorial diversity, there are all major types of climate and vegetation of the world . Nepal ‘s biodiversity is among the richest in the world.

Nepal is world renowned not only in physical diversity but also in cultural diversity. It is common garden where many castes and sub-castes bloom. According to the census of 2011 , there are 125 castes in Nepal and almost all have their own mother tongues. The people of Nepal follow as many as 10 different religions and have uniquely lifestyles. Thus Nepal is a small world in itself.

Ethnic identity

 As mentioned above Nepal is a  mute-ethnic country. As reported by the 2011 census, the total population of Nepal is 2,64,94,504 and the people belong to 125castes. The individual population size of the 10 castes each exceeds 6 lakh. These diverse population of Nepal have diverse cultures, traditions skills and resources. a glorious fact is that all people of Nepal are united by the bond of their allegiance to nation irrespective of their racial differences. The state has adopted a policy to promote the heritage of all kinds of people here including their religion. Script , language and cultural . 

Lingual identity

The last census taken in 2011 has recorded as many as many as 125 castes and 123 languages in Nepal. The newly promulgated constitution of Nepal has recognized all these languages as the national has declared Nepalis language  in Devanagari script as the language of official use. Nepali  is Nepalis spoken by 44.6% people in Nepal. The languages recorded in Nepal are classified into different groups: 79.1% people speak languages of Indo-European family, 18.4% Tibet- Burmese , 0.2% austral- Asiatic ,0.1% Dravidian family. according to the senses, 2.2% people in Nepal speak other languages.

Religious identity

As shown in the table below , Nepal is a multi-regions country. Along with all the major religions of the world, local religions like prakriti are also followed by Nepalese. Though there are 81.34% Hindus in Nepal, it is now a secular state. There is a complete religious freedom for the citizens. They have admirable religious tolerance too. The state adopts a policy to promote all kinds of religions followed in the country.

Gender identity

Gender refers to the biological condition of being male or other worlds, it is the sex of a person. Every population is classified into males and females. According to the last census there are nearly 51.5% female and 48.5% male in the Nepalese population. The sex  ratio stands at 94.16. now, even the people of the third sex have got recognition from the state. Sex discrimination that prevailed in Nepalese society for long has considerably been declining. According to the new constitution all kinds of discrimination on sex are punishable offences. The constitution has made several beautiful provisions for the promotion of gender equality. Culturally women are respected in Nepal. Many goddesses like Sarasvati and durga Bhawani are worshiped devotedly by Hindus. Other religions are also promoting gender equality.

Worlds to know

Gorge: deep narrow valley  cut by a river

Script: system of characters used in a particular language (e.g. roman script in English)

Dravidian: family of some languages mainly spoken in south India

Religious tolerance: harmony and respect between two religious groups

Third sex: group of people who claim themselves or are recognized by society as neither of males or females; called sexual minority in Nepal

Points to remember

1. Nepal is a small country with very big physical cultural diversity.

2. it’s physical and cultural diversity is unique in the whole world.

3. according to the last census of 2011, there are 125 castes, 123 languages and 10 religions in Nepal.

4. nepali is spoken by nearly 50% people in Nepal and it is the official language.

5. the cultural diversity of Nepal is an important eresource for the country.

6. the state has now adopted policies to promote all kinds of cultural resources of Nepal.


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