what is Retirement of partner concept?

Retirement of partner


A new partner is admitted in the firm when such a need arises, the same way, a partner may like to retire after giving due notice, in other words, a partner may wish to withdraw from a firm for various reasons like old age, change in business interest, on health grounds, mutual disputed, etc. such a situation, in a partnership firm is called retirement of a partner means to leave the firm by a partner due  to certain reasons like old age, ill health, etc. after the retirement of a partner existing partnership comes to an end a new partnership comes into existence between the remaining partners and it continues. A partner who leaves partnership firm is called a retiring or outgoing partner.

A retiring partner is entitle to claim his/her share of goodwill, share in the gain on revaluation of assets and liabilities, share of undistributed profit, etc. the total amount payable to a retiring partner is either paid out to him/her in case or the same is transferred to a loan account in his/her name. it is also possible that a part of the sum due to a retiring partner is paid in cash and the balance is transferred to his/her loan account.

Adjustment at the time of retirement of Partner

Thus, on the retirement of a partner various accounting adjustment became necessary to calculate the current amount payable to retiring partners. These adjustments are as under:

1.      Calculation of new profit sharing ratio and gaining ratio
2.      Revaluation of assets and liabilities
3.      Adjustment regarding undistributed profit
4.      Adjustment regarding goodwill after retirement
5.      Adjustment regarding capital after retirement
6.      Ascertainment of the due amount to the outgoing partner.
7.      Mode of payment of retiring partner capital
8.      Balance sheet of a new partnership firm
Calculation of new profit sharing ratio
When a partner retires remaining partner continue the firm. In this situation, it is needed to calculate new ratio of the remaining partners in the firm, which is called "calculation of new profit sharing ratio". Generally, after the retirement of a partner, the new profit sharing rations of remaining partners exceed their old profit sharing ratios, and such increment in called "Gaining ratio". In other words, gain in the new ratio as compared to old ratio of remaining partners after the retirement of a partner is called 'gaining ratio'. The gaining ratio can be calculated by deducting old ratio of remaining partners from the new one.

The following situation can be found in the case of new profit sharing ratio:
  •      If new profit sharing ratio is not given
b.      If gaining or benefit ratio is given
c.      If new profit sharing ratio is given

a.      If new profit sharing ration is not given: in this situation, it is assumed that the remaining partners continue to share profit and losses in the old ratio (i.e. no change is in the old ratio of remaining partners). In other words, the new ratio of the remaining partners is called by striking out the share of the retiring partners.
b.      If gaining or benefit ratio is given: sometimes, remaining partners take over the share of retiring partner in some specified proportions. In such case, the share taken by the is added to their old share and the new ratio is calculated.
c.      If new profit sharing ratio is given: in this situation, gaining ration is calculated by deducting old ration from new rations.

Revaluation of assets and Liabilities
According to the terms of the partnership deed, the value of all assets and liabilities are revalued on the retirement of a partner. For this, a revaluation account or profit and loss adjustment account is prepared in the same way as it is prepared in case of admission of a new partner. The only difference is that in case of retirement any profit or loss due to revaluation of assets and liabilities is divided among all partners including the retiring one, while in case of admission of new partner, such a new partner does not share profit or loss on revalued assets and liabilities are shown in the new balance sheet of the remaining partners. In this situation, the following entries are made:
Revaluation of assets and Liabilities
Adjustment regarding undistributed profit and loss
At the time of retirement of a partner, if there is any undistributed profit such as any reserve, credit balance of profit and loss account or any loss such as debit balance of profit and loss account, then such undistributed profit or loss should be distributed among all partner including retiring partner such undistributed profit or loss should be distributed among all partners including retiring partner on the basis of their new profit new sharing ratio. Generally, two situations can be found regarding this:
a.      By transferring total undistributed profits or losses to all partner's capital account including retiring partners: in this situation, such undistributed profit or losses are distributed among all partners including retiring. Such undistributed profit or losses are distributed among all partners including retiring one in their profit sharing ratio and these are not shown again in the new balance sheet. The following entries are made for this:
losses to all partner's capital account

a.      By transferring only he share of retiring partner: in the situation, only the share of undistributed profit or losses is transferred to retiring partner's capital account and the remaining balance is continued in the new balance sheet. So far as the accounting treatment is concerned, the following journal entries are passed in the books:
By transferring only he share of retiring partner
     Adjustment regarding goodwill after Retirement
     When a partner retires from the firm, he/she is entitled to his/her share of goodwill along with share in the profit or losses. This necessitates the valuation of goodwill at the time of retirement of a partner. Goodwill is valued in the same manner as in the case of admission of a partner. As regards the accounting treatment of goodwill, it shall depend upon whether goodwill account already exists in the book or not. Thus, there may be two situations:
a.      When goodwill does not appear in the books: if the goodwill account does not exist in the books of account or balance sheet of the firm at the time of retirement, then there will be following possibilities.
  1. ·        Raising goodwill at its full value.
  2. ·        Raising goodwill and its immediate writing off.
  3. ·        Raising retiring partner's share of goodwill only.
  4. ·        Raising retiring partner's share of goodwill and its writing off.
  5. ·        Giving amount of goodwill to retiring partners without raising or recording in the books.
     Raising goodwill at its full value: under this possibility, the amount of goodwill is raised at its full value and credited to all partners' capital accounts, including the retiring partner in their old ratio. In the situation, the following entry is made:
Raising goodwill at its full value

     Raising goodwill and its immediate writing off: when goodwill is first raised to its full value and then written off, then first of all, raised amount of goodwill is credited to all partners' capital accounts including retiring partners in their old profit sharing ratio. After that, raised value of goodwill is written off by debating remaining partners' capital accounts and crediting goodwill account in their account in their new profit sharing ratio. In this situation, the following two entries are made:

Raising goodwill and its immediate writing off
    Raising retiring partner's share of goodwill only: when goodwill account is raised with the retiring partners' share only. Then such amount of goodwill is credited to that retiring partner's capital account only. In this situation, that amount of goodwill is again shown on the assets side of the new balance sheet.
Raising retiring partner's share of goodwill only

    Raising retiring partner's share of goodwill and its writing off: under this, the share of goodwill of retiring partner is determined and then credited to his/her capital account. After that, remains partners decide to write goodwill and debited to their capital accounts on the basis of their gaining ratio. In such a case, the following two entries are made:
Raising retiring partner's share of goodwill and its writing off
    Giving amount of goodwill to retiring partners without raising or recording in the books: when amount of goodwill is paid to retiring partner without raising or recording it in the books, then the remaining partners' capital account is debited in their gaining ratio and the capital account of retiring partner is credited by share of value amount of goodwill of retiring partner. In this situation, the following entry is made:
Giving amount of goodwill to retiring partners without raising or recording in the books

When goodwill is shown in the last balance sheet: sometimes, amount of goodwill appears in the balances sheet at the time retirement of a partner. In this situation, amount of goodwill is revalued and one of the following three situations can be seen:
a.      Increase in the value of goodwill
b.      Decrease in the value of goodwill
c.      No change in the value of goodwill

a.      Increase in the value of goodwill: if the agreed value of goodwill is more than the book value or given value of goodwill, then the difference amount will be credited to all partners' capital accounts in their old profit sharing ratio by debiting goodwill account. In this situation, agreed value of goodwill is shown on the assets side of the new balance sheet. In such a case, the following journal entry is recorded:
Increase in the value of goodwill
b.      Decrease in the value of goodwill: when the value of decrease i.e. agreed value of goodwill is less than the book value, the capital accounts of all partners including retiring one are debited with the difference in their profit sharing ratio by crediting amount. In this situation, the following journal entry is made:
Decrease in the value of goodwill

    No change in the value of goodwill: if the book value of goodwill is equal to the agreed value, then any entry will be required in this situation.

      Adjustment regarding capital after retirement
    After retirement of a partner, remaining partners may adjust their capital. In this situation, total capital of the firm can be fixed adjusting capital of remaining partners after retirement of a partner. Such fixed total capital should be divided among the remaining partners with their new profit sharing ratio. After this, capital should be added or withdrawn accordingly. In this situation, the following entries are made to add or withdraw the amount of capital.
Adjustment regarding capital after retirement

Ascertainment of the due amount to the outgoing partner
The following point should be considered while ascertaining the amount due to the retiring patterns:
a.      Opening balance of capital and current account of outgoing partner
b.      Share of profit or loss revaluation of assets and liabilities
c.      Share of undistributed profit and loss
d.      Share of goodwill of the firm
e.      Share of profit earned by the firm on related accounting period till the date of retirement
f.       Salary and interest on capital due to the retiring partner till the date of his retirement
g.      The drawing from firm and interest thereon, of the retiring partner
Mode of payment to the outgoing partners
On retirement of the partner, his/her capital account should be adjusted by adjusting his/her share of goodwill, share on revaluation of assets and liabilities and share on undistributed profits or losses. After that, the amount payable to retiring partner is determined and procedure of payment is following. For this, two modes of payment can be used:
a.      Lump sum payment
b.      Payment in installment

a.      Lump sum payment: if the amount payable to retiring partner is small, them lump sum payment is made to him/her. For lump sum payment, form may use its cash or bank balance or additional capital or loan can be taken from remaining partners. In this situation, the following entries are made:
Lump sum payment
     Installments payment: in most of the cases, if may not be possible to repay the amount payable to retiring partner immediately form the firm's recourse and also it may not be possible for remaining partners to bring in cash as additional capital or loan. In this situation, the amount due to retiring partner is transferred to his/her loan account and repayment will be made in installment over a period of time with fixed rate of interest. For this, the following entries are made:
Installments payment
Balance sheet of a new partnership firm
After retirement of a partner, remaining partners continue the partnership business. Therefore, a new balance sheet of the firm is prepared by considering the following points:

a.      After, adjusting goodwill, profit or loan on revaluation, undistributed profit or loss, additional capital and repayment of capital of retiring partner, only the capital accounts of remaining partner are shown on the liabilities side of the new balance sheet.
b.      If retiring partners' capital account is transferred to loan account, then such loan account will be shown on the liabilities side of the new balance sheet.
c.      In the new balance sheet, revalued assets and liabilities are shown.
d.      If a new assets or liability is created, then such assets or liability will also be included in new balance sheet.
e.      New or adjusted goodwill is also shown on the assets side of the balance sheet.
f.       Adjusted cash or bank balance is also shown on the assets side of the new balance sheet.

Review of Theoretical concept
Different ways in which a partner can retire from the partnership firm.
A new partner is admitted in the firm when such a need arises, the same way, a partner may like to retire after giving due notice. In other words, a partner may which wish to withdraw from a firm for various reasons like old age, change in business interest, on health grounds, mutual disputes, etc. such a situation, in a partnership firm is called retirement of a partner. Retirement of a partner means to leave the firm by a partner due to certain reasons like old ag, ill health etc.
Explain the made of payment of retiring partners' capital.
On retirement of the partner, his/her capital account should be adjusted by adjusting his/her share of goodwill, share on revaluation of assets and liabilities and share on undistributed profit or losses. After that the amount payable to retiring partner is determined and procedure of payment is followed. For this tow modes of payment can be used:
Lump sum payment: if the amount payable to retiring partner is small, them lump sum payment is made to him/her. For lump sum payment, form may use its cash or bank balance or additional capital or loan can be taken from remaining partners. In this situation, the following entries are made:

Installments payment: in most of the cases, if may not be possible to repay the amount payable to retiring partner immediately form the firm's recourse and also it may not be possible for remaining partners to bring in cash as additional capital or loan. In this situation, the amount due to retiring partner is transferred to his/her loan account and repayment will be made in installment over a period of time with fixed rate of interest. For this, the following entries are made:


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