A partnership will come to end immediately whenever a partner dies, although the firm may continue with the remaining partners by taking the share of the deceased partner. The matters which require consideration in case of death of a partner and their accounting treatment are the same as in case of retirement of a partner. This decrease partners' share in the firm is calculated in the same made effective from the beginning or closing dates of an accounting year but death of a partner may occur anytime without notice during the year. This is fundamental difference between two situations. Similarly, the payment of retiring partner's share will be received by himself/herself but the payment of deceased partner's share will be received by his/her legal successor.

Adjustment at the Time of Death of partner
The following adjustments are made after the death of a partner:
a.      Calculation of new profit sharing ratio and gaining ratio of remaining partners.
b.      Adjustment of goodwill and its treatment.
c.      Revaluation of assets and liabilities.
d.      Adjustment of undistributed profit or losses.
e.      Ascertainment of profit or loss up to the date of death of the partner.
f.       Accounting treatment of joint life policy after the death of a partner.
g.      Adjustment of capital after the death.
h.      Mode of payment of decreased partner's capital to his/her successor.
i.       New balance sheet of the firm after the death of a partner.

Adjustments (1) to (4) are the same as on the retirement of a partner which have already discussed in the previous chapter.

Ascertainment of profit or loss at the timeof death of a partner
A retirement is usually arranged to be take place at the beginning or end of an accounting year, while death may and possible will take place on any date. If a partner dies in the middle of the accounting period, then the profit or loss from last balance sheet to the date of death is calculated and share of deceased partner is transferred to his/her capital account. Share of accounting profit or loss up the death of a partner is calculated as under:
a.      On the basis of last year's profit or loss
b.      On the basis of average profit or loss

On the basis of last year's profit or loss: under this method, he profit or loss the last year is given in the question. The profit or loss the period in between the date of preparing last final account to the of death is determined and the share of decreased partner is calculated on the basis of last year's profit or loss.
On the basis of average profit or loss: sometimes, partners may agree to calculate decreased partner's share of profit or loss on the basis of average profit or loss. For this, first of all, total profits of the required numbers of past year are taken and then after, average profit is calculated. After that, profit for the period up to date of death is determined and the share decreased partners is found out.
After determining share of profit or loss of deceased partner by using above mentioned two bases, it should be recorded:

By opening profit and loss suspense account
By not opening profit and loss suspense account

a.      By opening profit and loss suspenseaccount: if deceased partner's share of profit or loss is given by opening profit and loss suspense account, then following entries will be made:
By opening profit and loss suspense account_Journal

Profit and loss suspense account is also shown in the new balance sheet.

By not opening profit and loss suspense account: under this method, a separate profit and loss appropriation account is not open. Deceased partner's share of profit or loss is adjusted in remaining partner's capital accounts. In this situation, the following entries are made:
By not opening profit and loss suspense account
Accounting for Joint Life Policy and Accounting for Insurance Premium
Sometimes, the decrease partner's executor has to be paid in cash immediately. In such a case, the firm may have to face a financial problem. To meet such a situation, a joint Life insurance policy on the joint lives of all partners is taken up by the firm. The firm pays of periodical premium and in turn the insurance Company agree pay the amount of the policy on the death of any of the partners or the date on which of the policy expenses. Which ever is earlier.

a.      Without taking surrender value into account
b.      With taking surrender value into account

Without taking surrender value into account: under this method, the premium is treated like other expenses and is debited to profit and loss account but no mention is made in the balance sheet. On its maturity or the death of a partner, the surrender value is received from the insurance company and this amount is distributed among all the partners including, decreased partner in their profit sharing ratio. The following entries are passed for this purpose:
Without taking surrender value into account_journal Entries
 With taking surrender value into account: under this, two methods are used to record joint life policy:
a.      Joint life policy method
b.      Joint life reserve method

Joint life policy method: under this method, the premium paid is treated as an investment in joint life policy, first it is debited to joint life policy account. But this joint life policy appears in the balance sheet as an asset at its surrender value. Surrender value is the amount payable by the insurance company on the surrender of policy by the firm before the date of maturity. In other words, at the end of accounting period, joint life policy account and surrounded value is compared and the difference amount is transferred to profit and loss account. But joint life policy equal to surrender value is shown on the assets side of the balance sheet. On the death of a partner, when amount is received, them it is credited to joint life policy account. In this situation, any balance on joint life policy account should be transferred to all partners' capital account including deceased partner in their old profit sharing ratio. The following entries are made in this situation.
Joint life policy method

Joint life policy reserve method: under this method, and at the same time, joint life policy reserve created out of the profit is also maintained. Joint life policy appears on the assets side and joint life policy reserve appears on the liabilities side of the balance sheet at the surrender value. In other words. First of all premiums for the liabilities side of the balance sheet at the surrender account. Then after, appropriation for reserve is paid by debiting profit and loss appropriation account and crediting joint life policy reserve account. After this, balance in excess of surrender value is treasured by debiting joint life policy reserve account and by crediting joint life policy account. On death of a partner, amount of claim is received from insurance company. In this situation, the balance of joint life policy reserve of joint life plicy account is transferred to all partners' capital account including deceased partner in their old profit sharing ratio. The various journal entries required to be passed under this method are give below:
Joint life policy reserve method
Adjustment of capital after death
On death of a partner, all adjustments should be made all partners' capital accounts. Such adjustments can be done by the following entries:
Adjustment of capital after death
Mode of payment of decreased partners' capital to his/her successor
On the death of a partner, his/her accounts in the books of the firm are maintained in the same way as on the retirement of a partner. But the only different is that the amount due to a decrease partner shown by his/her capital account is transferred to his/her executor's account.

New balance sheet after the death of a partner
After the death of a partner, new balance sheet is prepared in the same way as after the retirement of a partner.

Review of Theoretical Concept

Write the method of valuation of interim profit or loss on death of a partner?
A retirement is usually arranged to be take place at the beginning or end of an accounting year, while death may and very possible will take place on any date. If a partner dies in the middle of the accounting period, them the profit or loss from last balance sheet to the date of death is calculated and share of deceased partner is transferred to his/her capital account. Share of accounting profit or loss up to the death of a partner is calculated as under:

On the basis of last year's profit or loss: under this method, the profit or loss for the last year is given in the question. The profit or loss of the period in between the date of preparing last final accounts to the date of death is determined and the share of decrease partner is calculated on the basis of last year's profit or loss.

On the basis of average profit or loss: sometimes, partners may agree to calculate decreased partner's share of profit or loss on the basis of average profit or loss. For this, first of all, total profits of the required numbers of past year are taken and then after, average profit is calculated. After that, profit for the period up to date of death is determined and the share decreased partner is found out.

Define joint life policy. Define method of accounting joint life policy.
Sometimes, the deceased partner's executor has to be paid in cash immediately. In such a case, the firm may have to face a financial problem. To meet such a situation, a joint life insurance policy on the joint lives of all this partners is taken up by firm. The firm pays of periodical premium and in turn the insurances company agree to pay the amount of the date on which the period of the policy expenses. Whichever is earlier.

a.      Without taking surrender value into account

b.      With taking surrender value into account

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